Therapeutic Disclaimer

Any complementary Therapy/holistic Therapy/alternative Therapy treatment is not a substitute for a medical or psychological diagnosis or treatment by a qualified medical practitioner. These should be used in conjunction with your traditional medical care. If you have any concerns about new therapies or making medical-related decisions, you should consult your medical professional before undertaking any new therapies. Throughout the treatment with a holistic Therapy, it is advisable to be in touch with your medical practitioner to assess the benefits/loss through the treatment.


IAHS is engaged in conducting various holistic Therapy courses and gives advice about health problems on the principles of these therapies and nothing in the content of this website constitutes any form of medical advice. Any natural holistic health care information provided should be regarded as complementary to, not a substitute for, conventional health care. IAHS and the operator(s) of this site specifically disclaim all responsibility for any liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the material on this site. If you require advice relating to a particular health problem, IAHS strongly urges you to contact your doctor or other medical practitioner.

As you may be aware, these holistic therapies are not recognized by Governments in different countries, still these are being practised all over the world. Hence, it is advised to practise these as per laws of your country. Just keep in mind that any Diploma/Advance Diploma/Master Diploma issued by IAHS does not make you a qualified doctor. You become a qualified doctor only as per laws of your country. It is, therefore, advised that you call yourself a Therapist and not a doctor.