Fee : Rs 5400 (US $ 90) :  video  + text lessons

Course Highlights
* Simple to learn
* How to Dowsing, use of tools explained
* Diploma in .pdf format given, after a small online Test without any additional fee.
* Find solutions to your problems simply and easily.
* The dowsing can be done by any one.
* Not many gadgets are used, a simple pendulum will do.

Course Description

What is dowsing?
Dowsing can be thought of as a direct line of communication to your own superconscious mind. A pendulum receives information from the deeper wiser parts of the brain, that knows all things. This information in the form of Yes/No questions is simply reflected in small muscle movements in the arm and hand to move the pendulum. It is more commonly known as Divination. But you can go beyond the limitation of Yes/No questions by using charts containing various options.

What is dowsing used for?
Dowsing is used as a tool for asking questions, giving advice, making decisions and making a selection from a list of options regarding relationship, career, success or failure, for finding a missing person, for measuring the aura, for inspection of chakras, for physical, mental or other disorders, for find the energy of a house, etec etc. It is used by astrologers, Reiki healers, homeopaths, aryuvedacharyas, Bach Flower Remedies Therapist, Mudra Therapist, Sujok Therapist, and a host of healers

Can anyone dowse?
Yes. Everyone of us is born with the ability to dowse, however due to lack of knowledge, interest or confidence, people do not utilise this very useful skill. But the quality of Dowsing efforts do vary, depending upon how one approaches the work.

Must one be gifted to dowse?
No. Dowsing is an intuitional science and can be learned. Divining is not just a gift miraculously bestowed upon a "few".

What equipment do you need?
Although pendulums, Y rods, bobbers, magnetic box, etc are used, but usually a simple pendulum is sufficient.

What questions can you ask?
You can ask about anything within reason. The most commonly asked questions are about relationships, career, lost/misplaced objects and allergies.

What questions can't you ask?
You usually can ask questions about yourself, pets or situations. You can ask about your partner and, or, a close relative, but you must have their knowledge and permission. You should not ask questions about another person without their knowledge or permission or ask another person to dowse questions about medical disorders as this is unethical, Neither should you ask questions for monetary gain i.e. Lottery numbers. Dowsing should only be used for good intent

Why do you need to train a pendulum?
You need to train your pendulum so that you and it have an agreed way of obtaining your "yes", "no" or an "unsure" response. Most people generally use a circular clockwise movement for yes and an anti-clockwise movement for no. However you can train your pendulum to use backwards and forwards or side to side movements.

How Important is the instrument?
Your subconscious mind, power of mind, ultimate power which knows you helps you in getting tied with a pendulum. You cannot see the power of mind but you can see pendulum. Any pendulum serves the purpose.

What can one learn through this Course?
This online course for Diploma in Art of Dowsing explains Dowsing, use of Dowsing tools and device-less dowsing methods, uses of Dowsing, Step-by-step method for Dowsing, etc. You can see the syllabus below.

Important features
*Dowsing can be learnt by anyone.
*Dowsing is the most economical method of finding solutions to your problems.
*There are no extensive gadgets for use of Dowsing. A simple pendulum will do.


1 Introduction to Dowsing; What can be done by dowsing?, Who can use dowsing? How does it work? Dowsing state; Dowsing accuracy
2 Tools of dowsing : Pendulum, Types of pendulum, How to use pendulum,
Rods and Bobber : How to use L and Y rods and Bobber. Magnet Dowsing Box
3 Deviceless dowsing methods : Finger Thumb, Body Sway,Two hand pass, Blink, Own aura sensing, Hand Jabbing, Wrist twist, Double pinch, Opposed thumbs
Before you go for dowsing, Some basic rules, step by step approach for first time dowsing; Phrasing the question, Precautions
4 More uses : Dowsing for Water, Utilities, and Other Underground Situations, checking Automobiles, dowsing and animals, dowsing and plants, dowsing and relationship, dowsing and business, general dowsing,
Locating lost objects, Determining energy of room, psychic dowsing, Map dowsing, healing, chakra healing, check suitability of food, stones, colours, etc
5 Suggestions for questions on various topics
6 What are dowsing charts? Pendulum dowsing with various charts
7 Video for How to do dowsing with tools
8 Video for how to do dowsing without tools (deviceless methoids)